Supplementary material for:
CPORT: a Consensus Interface Predictor and its Performance in Prediction-driven Docking with HADDOCK
Sjoerd J de Vries, Alexandre MJJ Bonvin
PloSOne, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0017695 (2011).
We have combined six interface prediction web servers into a consensus method called CPORT (Consensus Prediction Of interface Residues in Transient complexes) and show that CPORT gives more stable and reliable predictions than each of the individual predictors on its own. A protocol was developed to integrate CPORT predictions into our data-driven docking program HADDOCK. This prediction-driven docking protocol presents an alternative to ab initio docking, the docking of complexes without the use of any information.
Prediction-driven docking was performed on a large and diverse set of protein-protein complexes in a blind manner. Our results indicate that the performance of the HADDOCK-CPORT combination is competitive with ZDOCK-ZRANK, a state-of-the-art ab initio docking/scoring combination. Finally, the original interface predictions could be further improved by interface post-prediction (contact analysis of the docking solutions).
This pages provides access to supplementary material related to this work.
The following information is provided on this page:

  • The list of all complexes considered with the chain information. The first chain corresponds to the largest component (chain A in the docking, receptor in the RMSD calculation), the other corresponds to the the smallest component (chain B in the docking, ligand in the RMSD calculation).
  • The classification of all complexes as rigid/medium/hard and enzyme/other. See the docking benchmark paper for a detailed definition.
  • Gzipped tar archive of tools to analyse the results. A description of its content can be found here.
  • Gzipped tar archive of cport-specific information. A description of its content can be found here.
  • Analysis (CPORT prediction and docking results) of the various complexes (see below).

    The following links gives access to the CPORT predictions and HADDOCK results for the various complexes used for testing. A description of the content of each directory can be found here.
    1A2K 1ACB 1AK4 1AKJ 1ATN 1AVX 1AY7 1B6C 1BUH 1BVN
    1CGI 1D6R 1DE4 1DFJ 1E6E 1E96 1EAW 1EER 1EWY 1EZU
    1F34 1F51 1FAK 1FC2 1FQ1 1FQJ 1GCQ 1GHQ 1GP2 1GRN
    1H1V 1HE1 1HE8 1HIA 1I2M 1I4D 1IB1 1IBR 1IJK 1K5D
    1KAC 1KLU 1KTZ 1KXP 1M10 1MAH 1ML0 1PPE 1QA9 1SBB
    The corresponding gzipped tar archives for the above complexes can be downloaded by clicking on the links below (variable size between ~20 and 450 MB per complex).
    1A2K 1ACB 1AK4 1AKJ 1ATN 1AVX 1AY7 1B6C 1BUH 1BVN
    1CGI 1D6R 1DE4 1DFJ 1E6E 1E96 1EAW 1EER 1EWY 1EZU
    1F34 1F51 1FAK 1FC2 1FQ1 1FQJ 1GCQ 1GHQ 1GP2 1GRN
    1H1V 1HE1 1HE8 1HIA 1I2M 1I4D 1IB1 1IBR 1IJK 1K5D
    1KAC 1KLU 1KTZ 1KXP 1M10 1MAH 1ML0 1PPE 1QA9 1SBB